Friday, February 02, 2007

Found the mistake!

Last night, after many months of having the M Designs piece screwed up in the bottom of my stitching bag, I sat, and counted, and recounted, and counted again, then frogged, stitched, and re-frogged till now it is right - because I had made an error somewhere and I couldn't find it!

Yay - I am excited about stitching this one now I have found where I boo-booed and fixed it! The mistake was such that I HAD to find it to continue - it wasn't one that I could just 'personalise' and move on!

It should move really quickly now - as long as I dont make any more errors!

There's nothing like knowing you've made a mistake and not being able to find it, that steals all your motivation away from a piece is there?

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