Sunday, June 13, 2004


On one of the message boards I frequent, the 'inhabitants' have this week been constantly been going on and on about KNITTING.  Now I can knit...very well in fact, but quite frankly...when I have time to knit - I would rather be I picked up some wool I had and started knitting....grrr 'wasted' so much precious stitching time.
Tomorrow I am stitching all day...I mean it....from when I get up in the morning until I go to bed...just stopping for meals....I MUST get this model finished and I had to frog a heap this morning and that made me cranky as a public school principal!
I have to learn to close my ears to all these people who would have me do other crafts...I mean I have successfully come away unscathed from the scrap booking craze...why could I not say no to KNITTING!!!
More later

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