Monday, June 13, 2005

So far so good...

This year I have made it a year for ‘finishing things’. Not just needlework, but I figured that needlework would be a good start.

To this end I have managed to finish one major project each month so far this year. Halfway through June it isn’t looking good, but I hope the *insert swear word of choice here* fairy will be June’s major finish. There will of course be a party to celebrate that one!!!

Thanks to jfox for suggesting I post some pictures to help spur me on! Will do that today!


Sharon said...

Oh Tannia,

I am so far behind that it isn't funny... I keep getting all these good ideas - but unfortunately that is what they remain... On reading your blog you seemed to have accomplished heaps... Me, they will be finding long forgotten and not completed stuff long after I have left this mortal coil...

We have had great weather haven't we - I even bought in yesterday's washing dry!!!! A just about an unheard thing in Melbourne in June... Take care now...

sharonb said...

Pictures would be good - so I second that motion - actually its interesting how many people use blogs to push themselves to finish projects.I think pictures make it even more a case of going public with the progress made.

Elizabeth Braun said...

Man! Who left the newsletter Here? Delete it Tannia!!=)

Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I love your idea of completing a project per month. If I complete my current WIP this month, I'll be the happiest woman in the northern hemisphere!!!