Friday, January 12, 2007

Blocked at every pass!

My wonderful friend Janine and I have very similar much so, that every time I find something on e-Bay that I think I might bid upon, Janine has already bid on it! Bugger! I guess she just needs the stash more than I do...hee hee hee...I don't believe that for a single minute!

But happier was my last day at work for a whole month! Saturdayweek, SOH, LHM and I move into our very own house :) I am so excited - a place for everything and (sooner or later) everything in its place! I am looking forward to some of my stitching friends visiting on the 27th! I haven't seen some for a very long time and I am looking forward to catching up :)

A very funny thing happened today while I was cleaning up my desk...I found a parcel, closed and addressed ready to send....I "think" that it may have been a present for Kaz at some time but I can't recall what is in it. I am so slack. I will open it up, placer her Christmas Pressie in it (that I've also not sent yet) and post it tomorrow!

Might stitch tonight.....An Open Heart MAY get a few more lengths of thread :) It's much cooler tonight and more stitching-friendly temperature wise :)


Carol said...

Wow, congrats on your upcoming move!

Janine said...

Oh I am so sorry Tannia. What was it that you wanted. I am sure I don't need it. In fact I know I don't need it.