Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Stitching Goals for May

This is what I hoped to do in April....
1. Finish Indigo Rose's "My Son" (WOOHOOO DONE! Pick it up from the framer Saturday!!!)
2. Complete at least 20 hours on "My Country" (A bit more than 20 - it's really progressing well now!)
3. Finish MvS "night" (about 10 hours to go!) (Ummm errrr no didn't even touch this one but THIS MONTH!)
4. Reward myself with a start on the Permin Sampler! (Was strong - held back! but I did do the other two little projects :)

SO for May *drum roll please*

1. I WILL finish MvS "Night" no matter what.
2. I WILL complete at least the third line of text of the My Country Sampler.
3. I WILL have a new major start.....not sure which piece now!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi there Tannia,
I was interested to read your blog... I am a cross stitcher too!!! A very, very slow one at that... I live in Melbourne as well, we are certainly having interesting weather at the moment aren't we... This morning was very cold!!!!!!

You must be very disaplined with your stitching to achieve what you do - I am at the moment 3/4 finished a small mermaid for my eldest daughter - is was to be for her 30th birthday - last November!!!!!

Like you I work full time so my stitching time is a very limited one...

Anyway I thought I would just 'pop' in and say hello to a fellow stitcher... Sharon